Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm trying to start journaling in the morning, but my entries always amount to cryptic variations on "I feel like crap" or "I feel pretty good." Any advice?


Tony said...

I had an ethics teacher in high school who would have us journal daily--he would waddle through the desks with his hands resting either on his stomach or clasped behind his back and say softly something like, "Everyone has felt violated. A broken world, a broken friendship, a betrayal, a crisis of faith. And that violation took them from their ethos, their home. Think of a time when you felt violated. Think of that violation. Feel the violation. Write about how you felt at that time. Let that violation leave through your pen."

Brutal. If you're looking for some mediocre daily reflection, that's definitely the place to begin.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,I guess that would result in cryptic variations of "I felt violated"...
